Hello W-STEMers !

It’s that time of the year again: it’s elections time, and we need you !

Every member is very welcome to run for a W-STEM officer position, and/or nominate your friends, colleagues, graduate students, post-docs to be an officer !

How does it work ? When are the nominations ? What does it mean to be a W-STEM officer ? When to vote ? All the information will be given below.
Schedule for the 2018 W-STEM elections:

April 11th – April 24th : Nomination time

We have 12 officers to elect: president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary at the undergraduate, graduate and post-doc level.
We are looking for nominees for all categories, send us an email at wstem.ucm.elections@gmail.com or fill out the form
You have to be a W-STEM member to run.

April 24th – May 3rd: Get to know the nominees

We will advertize all nominations on social media for our members to get to know them before electing them.

May 4th (8am) – May 5th (8am): Vote

Vote is available for 24hours, online via a google form.
Post-docs vote for Post-doc officers.
Graduate students vote for Graduate Officers.
Undergraduate students vote for Undergraduate Officers.

You will fill out one ballot to elect the officers according to your level (faculty, post-doc, graduate, undergraduate) via your ucmerced email address.
Results will be posted the next day at the end of the election time !

Duties of a W-STEM officer:

Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Treasurers and Secretaries work together as a steering committee to build our W-STEM community through out events, mentorship, news and opportunities sharing, and outreach. Each position is affiliated to sub-committees :
Mentorship Program sub-committee: responsible for the mentorship program set up and management, as well as assessment of the program. This sub-committee is led by the elected W-STEM Presidents.

Events sub-committee: soliciting event ideas from the general membership for each academic year, working with the Steering Committee to decide the event schedule, and carrying out all events on the event schedule. This entails reserving spaces (on and off campus), ordering and organizing food and drinks, contacting/liaising with invited guests/speakers, and ordering any associated special items This sub-committee is led by the elected W-STEM Vice Presidents.

Treasury sub-committee: The elected W-STEM Treasurers will serve the organization by maintaining records of finances awarded to respective student organizations. They will report and liaise with the Faculty Treasurer.

Social Media sub-committee: maintaining the UC Merced W-STEM website, twitter account, snapchat, and facebook page. Advertise events on campus by sending out happenings e-mails and creating, obtaining approval of, and posting flyers. This sub-committee is headed by the elected W-STEM secretaries.
Our current W-STEM officers:

If you are interested but you would like to know more about the duties of a W-STEM officer, don’t hesitate to reach out to us !
Here are the current W-STEM officers who would be happy to answer all questions you might have.

PRESIDENT: Florence Lucey
VICE-PRESIDENT: Indiana Madden
SECRETARY: Susana Canela

PRESIDENT: Kinsey Brock
VICE-PRESIDENT: Megha Suswaram
TREASURER: Melanie LeGro
SECRETARY: Eric Roberts

POST-DOC Officers
PRESIDENT: Marie-Claire Monier-Chelini
VICE-PRESIDENT: Dannise Ruiz Ramos
TREASURER: Jaapna Dhillon
SECRETARY: Camille Carvalho